Lubricates, Stops Rust and Cleans with no Oil.
Use on all Adventure, Tactical and Outdoor Gear knives, firearms, fishing tackle, tools and even collectibles.
* Non-stick lubrication & rust protection without dirt attracting oil
* Safe on collectibles yet combat proven non-toxic shield
Set contains:
* Marine Tuf-Cloth
* Marine Tuf-Glide 7.4ml
* Lint-free foam tipped swabs: 5x large, 12x small, 5x cotton
* 5 pipe cleaners
* 10 Patches
* Gloves
* 4 Alcohol Pads
* Instructions
Manufacturer: Scopecoat LLC, 2697 International Pkwy 3-140, Virginia Beach , VA 23451, USA,
Responsible Person: OutTac Gear GmbH, Industriestraße 10, 16547 Birkenwerder, Germany,